B-boy/DJ Tent Featuring The B-boy/Girl Battle At Soundset Finals. Live on the Turntables: 45 King, DJ Revolution, Rob Swift, Kid Cut Up, DJ Pratt, Plain Ole Bill, & Mike the 2600 King! Also including a Special Last of The Record Buyers Production Event with Jake One, Vitamin D, Jel & a "Live Production Team Showcase" featuring (Medium Zach, O-D, Big Cats!, PC & Greg Grease)! Plus Bonus Beats by Domino (Heiro), 45 King, Budo, Nicademus, Benzilla, Cory Grindberg, GMO, Sinister Grynch and more!
E-mail SounsetBBoyBattle@gmail.com for more information or to register your crew.
RSVP: Facebook | Twitter
Soundset tickets available online at Ticketmaster and walk up at Fifth Element in Minneapolis!
Soundset: SoundsetFestival.com | Twitter | Facebook | Myspace
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