
Here's the first installment of our 20th Anniversary series, A Moment In Rhymesayers. Episode 1 touches on the high school years, and the time right after, for pivotal members of the Rhymesayers Family: Brent "Siddiq" Sayers (CEO, Rhymesayers Entertainment), Musab "Beyond" Saad, and Anthony "ANT" Davis & Sean "Slug" Daley of Atmosphere. These are the stories whose seeds would eventually grow into Headshots.

This video also includes clips from the infamous Microphone Check Showcase events from 1995, featuring The Abstract Pack and The Urban Mind Dwellers (which featured Xilam Balam who would eventually become a member of The Native Ones aka Los Nativos)!

Make sure you follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Soundcloud, YouTube, and Twitter to see/hear rare photos/flyers and unreleased/rare music!

Looking for some of the music from Episode 1? Check out Dynospectrum's "Industrial Warfare" and Beyond's "Cash Is Expensive" on our Soundcloud now!