
On “Clocked,” Ant’s euphonic thrum waxes and wanes as Slug’s instantly recognizable flow captivates right from the intro. Between the razor-sharp snares, the warm fleshy basslines, and the resonant melody, long-time fans will notice strong hints of Atmosphere’s nascent years within this cautionary tale about time.

In the visual, produced and directed by the team at 1Light Films, Slug appears to run a carwash, donning coveralls complete with the name patch, “Sean.” After waving an SUV into the tunnel, Slug delivers a foreboding performance from outside, while the wash begins to uncover an ominous tale of its own

Watch the video now!

Adding another dimension to their latest chapter, Atmosphere presents a new maxi-single entitled “WORD? Side B”. The release boasts three new tracks, including “Strung” [feat. Musab], “Sleepless” [feat. Nino Bless], and the aforementioned “Clocked.”

Stream WORD? Side B now!