
Excited to head back out on the road soon, Grieves just released the brand new single "Back At Em" in preparation for the upcoming Running Wild Tour - Europe

"In the spirit of traveling across the pond for the European leg of the Running Wild Tour, I present to you a fun and carefree slapper, 'Back At Em.'
Now picture yourself in the driver's seat of a 1985 IROC-Z Camaro. The T-Top is popped, your perm is blowing in the wind like a dandelion puff, and your pants are getting tighter around the crotch as you accelerate past 100 MPH. This song is just like that, but on some rap shit."

This song is available now on all your favorite digital/streaming platforms, but head over to Fifth Element to grab the FREE download! Get "Back At Em" Now!

If you haven't grabbed tickets to one of Grieves' Running Wild Europe shows yet, you're running out of time!
For tickets and more info, visit: http://bit.ly/RWTEurope