
This Saturday July 20th, marks the end of an era. RSE Radio will be making it's final appearance at KFAI Community Radio Station. While the time has come for us to move on, we want to thank every listener, supporter and KFAI for allowing us to bring the music into your homes, cars and computers for more than a decade.

We wouldn't have been able to do it without the dedication and time from the following people: DJ's; King Otto, Plain Ole Bill, Jimmy2 Times, J Love The Soundsmith, Superbrush 427, Buck KAC, Andrew, Anton, Espada, K-Salaam, Nikoless, Abilities as well as co-hosts; Zeke and Big Greg. Please follow and support these talented individuals in all their current and future endeavours. To Slug, Brother Ali, Eyedea, Musab and every other artist both, local and national, that selflessly blessed those mics with your voices whenever asked, thank you.

Our years at KFAI have been amazing and hopefully we did our part in representing and providing a little Hip Hop to the Twin Cities and beyond. Thankfully we will be leaving the 9-11pm Saturday time slot in the more than capable hands of our brother Toki Wrightand the Soul Tools family. So please continue to support this important radio station and tune in for Soul Tools Radio starting July 27th...we certainly will be.

As far as us, if you haven't heard Kevin Beacham and I can be heard rocking the airwaves every Wednesday Night on 89.3 The Current from 10-11pm with H2 Radio and on The Current's Local Stream with H2 Localbringing you an hour of all local Minnesota Hip Hop every Tuesday at 11am.

Hear you then.

Forever In Full Effect,
Siddiq & RSE Radio