Tickets are now available to see Grieves & Budo rocking their first Seattle show since the release of Together/Apart!
Make sure you're at The Crocodile in Seattle on May 4th, 2012 to see them with friends Prof, DJ Fundo, and the Break Lites.
Tickets are $12 advance/$15 at doors. This is an All Ages show.
You can Buy Tickets Online now or pick yours up at Sonic Boom Records (2209 NW Market St., Seattle, WA).
Check out the video message below and get your tickets today!
You can buy Grieves' new album Together/Apartfrom Fifth Element, iTunes, Amazon, Best Buy and your favorite local independent retailer or music store.
Grieves: GrievesMusic.com | Twitter | Facebook | Google+ | Myspace | Ping
Budo: BudoBeats.com | Twitter | Facebook | Myspace | Ping
Rhymesayers: Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Google+ | Flickr | Soundcloud | Myspace
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